We have several decades of insight into the event venues that can be rented in the country, which we recommend and choose together with the customer, adjusted to the event and event, knowing the theme and number of staff. Various castles, ships, caves, extreme locations, halls and the most beautiful outdoor locations…
turn of the century

By happy times of peace we mean the era starting with the Compromise and ending with the First World War. Hungary has not yet broken away from the monarchy, but the national rising has already begun. Pest developed spectacularly. Maybe that's why Strauss's music and the horse-drawn carousel of the Hungarian hussars fit together, we dance to waltzes and polkas, dress up in Sissi costumes and organize a Viennese ball.
But perhaps the elegant ball suits the theme best. A wall of Hussars, music by Strauss, opening dance, waltz and polka. Musical cabaret scenes and bluettes can be ordered as shows. The era is extremely rich in couplets and funny scenes.
The urbanism of Pest at the turn of the century, its elegance, its characteristic characters, Gyula Krúdi's Sinbad, the rise of the city's citizens, the inventions and the transforming lifestyle are an exciting journey through time for today's people. Whether it's just the games of the boys on Pál Street, outdoor gymnastics on the cobbled streets of Pest, scenes from the New York café, Karinthy cabaret or the velocipede you can try.
Dressing up in period costumes is always a great success: getting dressed up in a hussar's armor or an Art Nouveau costume is a real treat for both children and adults.
The other type of event: the employee party, or a village day, city event or children's day connected to some event. To strengthen the historical feeling, we can recommend the following: a hand-cranked wooden carousel, fair announcer, László Vitéz puppet show, various games, activities and slides...